Eugen Lucan, membru in Comitetul Economic si Social European, anunta pe toti cei interesati ca in perioada 19-20 Iunie 2008 la initiativa CESE sectiunea SOC va avea loc la Varsovia/Polonia Forumul Cetatenesc European CATRE O EUROPA A SOLIDARITATII. Reprezentantii societatii civile din Romania si in special ai organizatiilor care ofera servicii sociale sunt invitati sa participe la acest eveniment. Chetuielile de deplasare si de cazare vor fi acoperite de participanti. Aveti mai jos programul preliminar si informatii suplimentare despre eveniment. Pentru mai multe detalii solicitati lamuriri la sediul EESC 99 rue Belliard - B-1040 Brussels - Tel. +32 (0)2 546 90 11 - Fax +32 (0)2 513 48 93 - Internet sau la Ma puteti contacta la 0741 134444, 0722 133935 (Lucan Eugen).
European Citizens' Forum
Towards a Europe of Solidarity
Youth, Intergenerational Solidarity and Tomorrow's Europe
Wrocław, 19-20 June 2008
Thursday, 19 June 2008
8.30-9.15 Welcome and registration of the participants
9.30 Plenary (3/6 interpretation PL-EN-FR / PL-EN-FR-DE-ES-IT)
- Welcome speeches of Mr Dimitridis DIMITRIADIS, EESC President, and Mr Rafał DUTKIEWICZ, Mayor of Wroclaw
- Keynote speeches by Mr Lech WALESA, former President of Poland (tbc), and a representative of the EU presidency, Ms Marjeta COTMAN, Slovenian Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs (tbc)
- Additional interventions by speakers chosen by the joint hosts
- Presentation of the Working Groups structures and working methods
10.45 Coffee break
11.15 Working Groups
- Brief introductions by speaker/facilitator
- General debate
- Selection of the key proposals/recommendations per Working Group (in bullet points)
13.00 Lunch break (first set of proposals sent to translation PL-EN-FR)
14.30 Working Groups (idem as above)
16.15 End of the Working Groups
- Debriefings among speakers/facilitators;
- Second set of proposals sent to translation (PL-EN-FR)
- Preparation of a concise booklet with the topics outlined, proposals/recommendations and voting sheets (PL-EN-FR)
Evening reception plus public event (overnight printing of booklet)
Friday, 20th of June 2008
(Coffee and refreshments provided outside meeting halls)
9.00 Vote by the participants to select 6-8 topics among those proposed in order to prioritise the key message of the Forum
10.00 Plenary (3/6 interpretation)
- Result of the votes and topics selected
- Brief presentation by the facilitators of the topics (5 minutes each)
General Debate
12.30 Summary of the conclusions
Closing speeches of Mr Dimitridis DIMITRIADIS, EESC-President, and Mr Rafał DUTKIEWICZ, Mayor of Wroclaw and Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA, Member of the European Commission responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (tbc)
13.00 Press Conference
A European Citizens' Forum on
Towards a Europe of Solidarity
Youth, Intergenerational Solidarity and Tomorrow's Europe
(Wrocław, 19-20 June 2008)
You are kindly invited to participate in the European Citizens' Forum, where, through your active participation and personal involvement, you decide about the subjects to discuss and the overall outcome of the event.
A) February/March 2008
The principal theme of the conference is "A Europe of Solidarity" and some key issues, that could constitute some background points for your further reflection, are:
- Youth employment;
- The situation of ageing workers
- Social recognition - young and older people's active role in European society;
- Labour market opportunities;
- Entrepreneurship;
- New skills, future jobs and future pensions;
- Young education and older knowledge;
- Informal and non-formal learning at all ages;
- Recognition of qualifications and experience between generations;
- Europe's cultural heritage and cultural future;
- Family policy, reconciling work and family life;
- Social insurance, combating poverty and providing sustainable health care for life;
- Housing needs for young and old;
- Demographic challenges with tomorrow's elderly and sustainable development for tomorrow's youth;
- Globalisation, social realities and the future European social model
- Children's rights and rights of the elderly.
In the broad framework of the above mentioned list of subjects, you are kindly invited to propose 1 or 2 topics of your particular interest. Please send them to us by the 5th of April 2008, using the registration form.
Proposals will be grouped and organised, according to demand, into an appropriate number of broad themes and particular topics/questions.
B) April 2008
By the end of April, you will receive a list of all the themes proposed by each participant. Then, you will be kindly asked to express 2 preferences and to indicate whether you would wish to have a specific role in animating a working group (please indicate in the registration form). Please note that discussions in the working groups will be in English and French without formal simultaneous interpretation (the City of Wroclaw will provide volunteer interpreters ready to help individually.) Resulting preferences would form the basis for the event and a formal programme would then be sent out.
C) May 2008
Final programme is to be sent out.
The final report would be sent to all participants, interested parties, appropriate civil society organisations, national Economic and Social Councils and EU institutional partners. Forum participants would be asked to diffuse the declaration and report back. The Forum's report could also be a reference document for future EESC initiatives.
For your use 300 places in 5 Wroclaw hotels have been booked (please consult the hotel reservation questionnaire). Please confirm your reservation by the 30th of April 2008 at the latest, using the hotel questionnaire.
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